12 November 2009

The Causes of Watching Television by Student

Student watching television because they don't know what else to do when their at home. Actually we as human need fun. So, through television we can see that there is many show and program that contain fun, happiness and others thing that can tend us to watch it. Sometimes student who doesn't know where else they can have fun, they will find that television can give it to them. Non of us can run from the truth that television make us forget what we should do. Like cartoon, anime, movies, all this make us more interested with the television. I admit, i also have tendency to watch television if i stayed at home, but if i too care about my feeling to watch the television i will watch it 24 hours because there is so many channel and program that is so interesting. If i too busy with my work i can ignore it.

Student who don't really care about sport, they will stay at home. They don't like to hang out with their friend and its easy for them if they just watch television at home. From this we can say that, whats make student watching television is they like to be alone and don't want anyone to disturb them. Series movie at television will make us more addicted to it like Supernatural, Smallville, Heroes, Prison Break, Anime, all this can make us crazy if we miss to watch it. Its not wrong to watch television but we should have another life than just stay in front of the television and watch it. Come on, we know what the effect like i said before this.

We as student should have more healthy life. So our mind more active and this can give good effect to our study. We know our own reason why we watch the television and we know ourselves. Don't be a hypocrite who lie to your own self that you doesnt want to hang out with your friends rather than watching television. I know while study we have the tension but it doesn't mean we can release tension just by watching television, more things can we done like jogging, playing badminton, having a nice chat with friends and family. All this can we do it...Yes we can.

Every person have their own potential. We should know it. Have a nice and good life is one of the main reason we as human stay in the earth. Don't forget to solah 5 times everyday for muslim and muslimah. We can get happy life if we follow what God want for us and leave the thing that God doesn't want us to do. I hope i can add a few more in this blog, but thats all for today.

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