12 November 2009

Point of View from Malaysian

I think its time for me to write down some point of view from Malaysian. What they were thinking about watching television among student. Referring to this, i as the person who begin the blog and topic, would like to give my opinion first. My last discussion, i was talk about the causes of watching television so from this i can say that student sometimes not all of them are having problem in study because of watching television. For me, it would inspire someone thinking to be more matured and think like adult. Although there were many program in television that more towards reality show but as parent, teacher they can guide student. Sometimes student think they were old enough and know what they do but actually they need guidance in this world to make a choice in their living.

Its not so bad to have a wrong choice like watching too much television, but we can change that as a positive work to begin our new life. Not all people can do a right thing for the first time. People always talk from the negative side. Why? Why people in Malaysia so hard to open their mind. So its time for us to change our thinking. Don't think about the negative side but take consider from the positive side. Many people think television can only bring bad consequences but actually it also have good consequences, such as the education program like national geographic, history channel but student right now don't watch that but for certain of them they will watch it. So not all thing come from television is bad, like movie that have violence action. They can think what is the bad and good but the parent must guide and watch their children.

We as Malaysian and student can choose what we want to do with our lives, so don't waste your time doing the thing that will not give benefit to you. At least you know what you want to do not like some people who just sit in front television and watch it. That's all from me. Thank you.

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