31 August 2009

What are the effect of television on study habits

Watching television is one of the most popular pastimes in the world. Almost all children and student do so; some even take the liberty of slipping out of bed unnoticed at night just to watch a show that they like. However, what most people do not realize is that television can ruin your eyesight, cause lack of concentration and can also inculcate many bad habits, study habits especially in young ones and student like us.

Behavior of someone also can change because of television. Most of the studies have been conducted on the Childhood period, but there is a study done by L. Rowell Huesmann & colleagues between 1977 and 1992, they have observed children at ages 6 to 10 who watched violent shows and how this affected their behavior 15 years later. So if someone right now still in secondary school is study hard maybe after 10-15 years they will not study hard anymore because of this change of behavior. The determination to do something will not be the same llike the last few years.

Another very common problem noticed in people who watch too much of television is their lack of concentration. This will caused student to be more than 2 years behind what they could perform normally. So, television definitely lessens a student effectiveness when it is left on while the student is reading or studying. Sometimes, the performance of student can decrease because of watching television until late night. The homework or assignment doesn't finish.However, this poses as a disadvantage as even the smallest of noises or disturbances can divert one's attention from the task at hand. This can cause lots of other added problems; restlessness and sleeplessness primarily. .However, its reputation has been tainted as a result of its disadvantages but with good parental supervision and guidance, such undesirable situations can be avoided.

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