13 November 2009

Awareness about Television can effect study habit

How many people aware that television can effect study habit..? Well for those who aware about this they still can prevent it from happen. Many of us think that this is just a small matter. Its start with this thinking and then boom something happen or change in their life. For those who still have addicted or habit watching television..please change your attitude..not only for student but for all of us.

Violent act for this time, major of it conquer by student or teenagers. Why? some people say about they having problem with their parent, friends and other things. But they miss one big reason why children and teenagers acting violently, it is come from watching television. Movies, that contain aggressive act, shooting, murdering, raping..all of this contain in our movie right now..Don't believe it? watch it yourself..all this movies come from west country who conquer the world especially big industry that the income is billion dolar. So its time that people should see with their own eyes that their children and student change dramatically by watching television like not study, lazy to do homework, tired and sleep late at night. All of this are effect that can we see if the student watching television more than study.

How to handle this? How can we make people aware what will happen if their own children watching television too much and have a bad result in exam. For this, i would like to give my opinion. If the parents don't love their children anymore they can just let it happen, but if the parent still ignore and care about their children, they can see what is happening to their children. Teacher should play the main role, although student only have 8 hours at school but teachers know what is their own student potential.If their exam result drop, teacher will know that is something wrong with their student. Teacher can told their parent about what is going on to their children and this can make parent more aware about it.

Sometimes the parent too busy with their work. Its not good, at least they should know what is their children do at home. All people should play their role to make sure that the future generation have a healthy life. We aware about this problem, but as usual we ignore it because we didn't think what will happen in the future if we don't take action right now. Ok, that's all for tonight. I hope you all enjoy my writing. Have a nice day.

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